The Problem

It can be difficult to find comprehensive information about camping, hiking, and climbing within state and national park websites. There is a clear need for a streamlined and effortless outdoor booking experience designed for nature trip enthusiasts. How might we combine published, public, and individual insight information on outdoor activity locations to create positive experiences for individuals researching, booking, and executing nature based vacations?

Goal: Create a mobile app for rock climbers who want to book campsites near their climbing destinations.

Type: Mobile App Design

Duration: Four Weeks

Skills: User Research, Wireframing, Prototyping, Figma

Responsibility: All research and design

Design Thinking Process

The double diamond process was followed to ensure a proper design thinking process


User Research

User Interview

User Survey


User Persona

User Journey Map

Goal Statement

Empathy Map


Feature Prioritization

I like, I wish, What if

User Flow

Competitor Analysis


Paper Wireframes

Visual Design



Check Usability

Survey Insight



User interviews were conducted to collect qualitative data from participants. A survey created before the interviews were sent to participants after the interviews were conducted along with posted on Instagram to collect additional insight. These were done in an attempt to better understand the current holes in the market around outdoor focused travel apps.

I have gone to places where on Yelp they said was horrible, but when I went there it was awesome and vice versa, somebody said it was amazing, and it was horrible.

Since I typically camp in national parks and stuff like that, their sites aren't great. They're kind of old school. And sometimes it's kind of hard to navigate the page or even find the camping page on the website.


of users say it is difficult to find a campsite without a reservation


of users say it is difficult to find information on climbing locations


Many users have reported difficulties in utilizing state park websites to book campsites and obtain precise information on climbing locations. Novice outdoor enthusiasts, in particular, often find themselves intimidated by the process of reserving a spot and planning their trip, owing to the prevalence of outdated and ambiguous information regarding climbing locations. To address these concerns, a user persona was developed to encapsulate the findings.

caucasion man in a tank top smiling at the camera form above while climbing

Elijah, a beginner outdoor enthusiast, who has become an avid hiker and rock climber needs a way to organize and book his outdoor excursion in Yosemite next month because he wants to guarantee a campsite and feel prepared for his daily outings, but is having a hard time navigating the national park website and getting his questions answered in a reliable and comprehensive way.


Users need the ability to book their campsites ahead of time with ease.


Users need to be able to find campsites that are nearby their desired climbing area.


Users need comprehensive and accurate information on their climbing destinations.


After identifying the users needs, feature prioritization was executed to translate these goals into actionable features within the app. A value proposition analysis was done in order to understand the needs of the user in relation to the potential features. Additionally a competitor analysis was completed to compare features of competing apps. Lastly, multiple user flows were created to create a seamless experience for the user.

a collection of voice bubbles
a screenshot of mobile app Mountain Project

Mountain Project

While the Mountain Project app provides a wealth of information for climbers, its user interface can be overwhelming and difficult to navigate at times, especially for new users. Additionally, the app's search functionality could be improved to make it easier to find specific climbing routes or areas. Lastly, while the community engagement features are a valuable aspect of the app, some users have reported issues with spam and inappropriate content on the platform.

a screenshot of mobile app camp spot


The Campspot app provides users with a streamlined and easy-to-use interface for discovering and booking campsites across the United States. However, some users have reported issues with the app's accuracy of campsite availability and pricing, which can lead to frustration during the booking process. Additionally, while the app offers some filters for refining search results, it could benefit from additional options to help users find campsites that meet their specific needs.

a screenshot of mobile app

The app offers a comprehensive platform for discovering and booking campsites, cabins, and other recreational activities across the United States. However, some users have reported difficulty with the app's user interface, which can be confusing and difficult to navigate at times. Additionally, the app's search functionality could benefit from additional filters and sorting options to help users find relevant results more easily.




Taking into consideration the goals established during the definition and ideation stage, wireframes were produced to address the pain points experienced by users. This solution enables users to efficiently locate campsites in close proximity to their favored climbing destinations before their arrival. Furthermore, users have access to real-time updates on campsite availability, eliminating the need to refer to state park websites. In addition, users can access detailed information on their climbing destination, including difficulty level, helpful feedback from other climbers, and an accurate map of the approach to the climb.


Low Fidelity Sketches


Taking into consideration the goals established during the definition and ideation stage, wireframes were produced to address the pain points experienced by users. This solution enables users to efficiently locate campsites in close proximity to their favored climbing destinations before their arrival. Furthermore, users have access to real-time updates on campsite availability, eliminating the need to refer to state park websites. In addition, users can access detailed information on their climbing destination, including difficulty level, helpful feedback from other climbers, and an accurate map of the approach to the climb.